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Level 11, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane Queensland 4000

+61 (7) 3231 5088

Sugar mills use SRI chute height sensors in control systems to measure cane height in Donnelly chutes and control feed rate. Get maximum sugar extraction, lower mill stress and reduced power use.

Victoria Mill.jpg

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About SRI

For more than 60 years, Sugar Research Institute (SRI) has been the major technology provider to Australian sugar mills and refineries. Today, sugar manufacturers and refiners from more than 32 countries use SRI's products, technical expertise and commercial research services to help improve their production processes, reduce energy and water use, and maximise sucrose extraction from sugar cane.


Contact SRI

Phone: +61 (7) 3231 5088

Postal address

Sugar Research Institute
PO Box 15758
City East, Qld 4002 Australia